In case you haven't noticed. I'm a fan of The Hammer.
Here were his remarks played last night after Barry Bonds broke his home run record.
"It is a great accomplishment which required skill, longevity and determination. Throughout the past century, the home run has held a special place in baseball and I have been privileged to hold this record for 33 of those years. I move over now and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement.
My hope today, as it was on that April evening in 1974, is that the achievement of this record will inspire others to chase their own dreams."
And some people think there are no heroes left.
Too bad the very next thing we heard was the Giants' nails-on-a-chalkboard PA announcer chirping: "Haaaank Aaron! Passin' the torch to YOU, Barry!"
She's horrible.
That was a wonderful, very moving moment. Hank showed tremendous class and grace, even though it had to be incredibly painful for him. What a contrast to Commissioner Bud, who once again proved that he's a miserable, petty little putz.
Hank Aaron is, and always will be, my hero.
Right with you Lazermike. He was my first and always will be my baseball hero.
Got to see the Giants - Nats game Monday night. Just walked up to the Stadium and found a guy selling his ticket for only $20 for field level - was only about 30 feet from Barry. I guess my Hank Aaron mojo worked as he didn't hit 756 that night. Too bad I couldn't extend it out forever....
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