Decaturguy already hit on the upcoming legislative battle over the Dekalb CEO but I want to take a dip in those fetid waters myself.
But let's clear some things up first.
Please feel no need to send me emails explaining how the county government works or to expound on how previous CEOs also received harsh criticism. I've been a Dekalb resident for over 20 years and although I only recently researched the nitty gritty, I've always had a pretty good understanding of the system of government.
As far as criticism of the "unique" position of CEO, it has been there since the first day Manuel Maloof sat in the chair. Anytime you have a government run by a "benevolent dictator" there will be carping. Perhaps, instead of emailing me, you should consult your elders about the raucous early days of the Maloof administration.
Also, I live in Rep. Kevin Levitas district. I have admiration for the guys and gals on both sides of the aisle who represent the northern area of the county - even to the point of flying in the face of friends to defend Mike Jacobs.
I've always stated with pride that Dekalb is home of the moderates. From Republican Dan Weber to Democrat David Adelman, many times this bipartisan coalition is the only sanity saving us from the true bull fruit looniness under the Gold Dome.
But on this one they are wrong.
Not because the Dekalb system is a perfect form of government. It is not. Not because they do not think they are doing their constituents right. I'm sure they believe this to be true.
They are wrong because they have now joined a growing wave of State-led strong arm tacticians and because the alternative is worse.
It's always funny to hear someone from Georgia preach the beauty of small government. It is true we have far fewer regulations than most. There are practically no protections for employees. Developers have run wild and despite the lunacy which sometimes comes from those in power lax growth regulation has certainly contributed to the current water crisis.
But big government is not always so obvious. One needs only to look at the recent acrimonious creation of the city of Johns Creek. Once the dust settled, the business of creating a city was at hand. And what was required of the potentates of this new city? They had to go to the state legislature for permission.
Any form of local government must be approved by the state legislature - probably not a bad form of oversight in a general sense. But the Johns Creekers also had to ask the Gold Dome poobahs for permission to form a parks and recreation department. That's right. A local municipality cannot hire a few guys to pick up trash in the local picnic area without the stamp of approval by the full Georgia legislature.
This fact makes the current argument against the CEO position having too much power ring a little hollow. The pools of power never go away. Only the lifeguards change.
But it cannot be avoided the structure of Dekalb's government is the purview of the legislature. So let's instead look at the alternative. We don't have to go far.
Dekalb is the second largest county in the state. Fulton is the first.
Fulton has a much more traditional form of county government. One which certainly could be the model for the legislation now proposed by Levitas and Jacobs. Power is dispersed among the various commissioners with a board appointed county manager running day to day operations.
The result of such distributed power over a huge infrastucture is instead of a single strongman, Fulton has individual fiefdoms. lorded over by their elected representative. And you want discontent? The Fulton system has worked so well the voters have for all practical purposes voted the entire county out of existence. It's no shock the "let's form our own city" push began with north Fulton's Sandy Springs and then metastisized to Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills.
There has always been an uneasy truce between Dekalb and its various towns but compared to the neighbors to the west, the tension has been no worse than the typical family Thanksgiving dinner - lots of sniping with everyone warily glancing about, but no one leaves the table until the pecan pie is served.
And all of this hullabaloo is over the hours of operations of the local speakeasies.
Oh, they will deny it with flowery talk of reining in meglomaniacal leaders and responding to the outcry of residents but even a blind pig can see Jones recent veto of the rolling back of closing times is the flash which caused the fire.
But even that misses the more important questions.
Every time a local government acts in a way which chaps a few behinds, do we really want the state legislature to ride in and play fruit basket turn over? Isn't that really just trading one strong arm for another?
But let's clear some things up first.
Please feel no need to send me emails explaining how the county government works or to expound on how previous CEOs also received harsh criticism. I've been a Dekalb resident for over 20 years and although I only recently researched the nitty gritty, I've always had a pretty good understanding of the system of government.
As far as criticism of the "unique" position of CEO, it has been there since the first day Manuel Maloof sat in the chair. Anytime you have a government run by a "benevolent dictator" there will be carping. Perhaps, instead of emailing me, you should consult your elders about the raucous early days of the Maloof administration.
Also, I live in Rep. Kevin Levitas district. I have admiration for the guys and gals on both sides of the aisle who represent the northern area of the county - even to the point of flying in the face of friends to defend Mike Jacobs.
I've always stated with pride that Dekalb is home of the moderates. From Republican Dan Weber to Democrat David Adelman, many times this bipartisan coalition is the only sanity saving us from the true bull fruit looniness under the Gold Dome.
But on this one they are wrong.
Not because the Dekalb system is a perfect form of government. It is not. Not because they do not think they are doing their constituents right. I'm sure they believe this to be true.
They are wrong because they have now joined a growing wave of State-led strong arm tacticians and because the alternative is worse.
It's always funny to hear someone from Georgia preach the beauty of small government. It is true we have far fewer regulations than most. There are practically no protections for employees. Developers have run wild and despite the lunacy which sometimes comes from those in power lax growth regulation has certainly contributed to the current water crisis.
But big government is not always so obvious. One needs only to look at the recent acrimonious creation of the city of Johns Creek. Once the dust settled, the business of creating a city was at hand. And what was required of the potentates of this new city? They had to go to the state legislature for permission.
Any form of local government must be approved by the state legislature - probably not a bad form of oversight in a general sense. But the Johns Creekers also had to ask the Gold Dome poobahs for permission to form a parks and recreation department. That's right. A local municipality cannot hire a few guys to pick up trash in the local picnic area without the stamp of approval by the full Georgia legislature.
This fact makes the current argument against the CEO position having too much power ring a little hollow. The pools of power never go away. Only the lifeguards change.
But it cannot be avoided the structure of Dekalb's government is the purview of the legislature. So let's instead look at the alternative. We don't have to go far.
Dekalb is the second largest county in the state. Fulton is the first.
Fulton has a much more traditional form of county government. One which certainly could be the model for the legislation now proposed by Levitas and Jacobs. Power is dispersed among the various commissioners with a board appointed county manager running day to day operations.
The result of such distributed power over a huge infrastucture is instead of a single strongman, Fulton has individual fiefdoms. lorded over by their elected representative. And you want discontent? The Fulton system has worked so well the voters have for all practical purposes voted the entire county out of existence. It's no shock the "let's form our own city" push began with north Fulton's Sandy Springs and then metastisized to Johns Creek, Milton and Chattahoochee Hills.
There has always been an uneasy truce between Dekalb and its various towns but compared to the neighbors to the west, the tension has been no worse than the typical family Thanksgiving dinner - lots of sniping with everyone warily glancing about, but no one leaves the table until the pecan pie is served.
And all of this hullabaloo is over the hours of operations of the local speakeasies.
Oh, they will deny it with flowery talk of reining in meglomaniacal leaders and responding to the outcry of residents but even a blind pig can see Jones recent veto of the rolling back of closing times is the flash which caused the fire.
But even that misses the more important questions.
Every time a local government acts in a way which chaps a few behinds, do we really want the state legislature to ride in and play fruit basket turn over? Isn't that really just trading one strong arm for another?
actually, we don't want state government at all - not for anything or for any time but, we'd have to get approval from the state legislature to abolish it so...no flying pigs on the radar.
Wow, sorry I sent you an e-mail.
And yes, this goes back to 80's when Maloof ran things with an iron fist.
SB52, to curtail some of the CEO powers, was brought up last year by State Sen. Emmanuel Jones, way before the 4 am pouring issue came up.
Fulton has issues for many reasons, but one of the big ones is they do not need to provide city-like services any more. with all of the incorpation. Counties as large as Fulton and DeKalb simply fail when it comes to providing city-like services like code enforcement, police, planning & zoning, etc. Yes, they are fine with departments meant for counties, like fire, trash, library and roads. But city-like services means more jobs, spending and contracts the CEO can control,
along with the campaign donations that come from such power.
Last year when SB52 came up, State Rep. Stan Watson and others were quick to play the race card. It wasn't about race when Maloof and Levetan were the CEO. There has to be checks & balances. The CEO even sets the agenda for commission meetings?? Look at how the CEO, Levetan and Jones, have acted regarding PDK airport! The CEO appoints people to county bond-issuing authorities that have issued tens of millions in bonds, paid back by taxpayers, with absolutely no public disclosure.
Some of these bond put taxpayers on the hook for 25 years. Look at how Vernon Jones called Dan Weber and fran Millar racists for supporting a City of Dunwoody, which is a real, true community, and is exactly the type of area that should be a city instead of unincorporated. And there is more than tension between the county and the city; there ar lawsuits, too many lawsuits.
Yes, your premise is correct; we don't need to have the state house & senate be overly involved in city & county affairs. But clearly there needs to be some changes in the structure of the DK gov't. There are only five district commissioners who represent 148,000 people each, which is more than what a state senator represents.
It's not about bar hours. This issue is going to keep coming up again if its not changed to provide county residents with better checks & balances.
As always, you bring up some valid points & food for thought.
It wasn't just you Trackboy. No worries.
Since you bring up some interesting additions, I'll add one of my own. Townships. Adelman's failed last year. But this year, freshly minted aisle jumper Jacobs is bringing it back. Maybe since it's coming from the maority it will survive. It could solve a boatload of these problems.
Yep, townships work in states all over the country. Why can't it work here. I grew up in one, and it was fairly well run, even though over time it unfortunately took on more & more city-like services.
Some townships do their own police. But townships that don't do their own police really only have and need a few full-time employees. Planning & Zoning is what makes townships great. Nothing affects an area, for decades, like good or bad planning & zoning.
Grift is on point: Townships are a very viable alternative, especially for an area without a city center like Toco Hills.
Hope to see Adelman do whatever he needs to do to get townships passed, even if he has to let a Repub state senator propose it and take the creidt for it.
And Grift is on it again, we have some DeKalb Delegation members like Adelman, Oliver, Levitas and a few others that bring some sanity and moderation to the Gold Dome. I like Fran Millar a lot, because he's all spitfire, but he's not everyone's cup of tea. The dude calls out elected officials from both parties, and is always straight up on where he stands. No behind closed doors dealings with Millar.
I believe Gwinnett County is now the second largest in the state. Which is not to say that it is a good role model.
Chamblee54 I checked it out. According to the 2000 census Dekalb was larger. According to 2006 estimates, Gwinnett is larger. So I guess we're both right?
I'll come back and do a strikethrough in 2010.
Hey, Mike Jacobs is an asshole. Get it straight, OK?
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first time auditions -
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first time auditions -
gangbang divas -
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shocking parties -
stacy bride -
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