Event 14
Entry: $1000
Entrants: 140
Finish: Somewhere in the middle
Let's just not talk about it. Let's just leave it at it was one of those days where you get the feeling nothing is going to go right and then doesn't.
But I did get to play with this guy which was pretty cool.
Enough poker. Time to go home. After all the legislature awaits.
1 comment:
Hurry up and get back for the 40 day and 40 night Health Care Insurance War, you're gonna be old one day, if you're lucky...
Georgia’s Health Care Insurance Axis of Evil:
1) Sen Ralph Hudgens
2) Rep Tom Knox
3) Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine:
1) Priced out of the Market?
2) Unable to purchase “Individual” Coverage during middle age or because you are female?
3) Can’t get coverage because of pre-existing conditions?
Georgia Senate Insurance and Labor Cmte
Phone: (404) 656-4700
Legislative Assistant: Leah Tatum Dick
Committee Members
Hudgens, Ralph T (R-SS 47) Chairman
Shafer, David (R-SS 48) Vice Chairman
Moody, Dan (R-SS 56) Secretary
Brown, Robert (D-SS 26) Member
Chapman, Jeff (R-SS 03) Member
Golden, Tim (D-SS 08) Member
Harbison, Ed (D-SS 15) Member
Murphy, Jack (R-SS 27) Ex-Officio
Pearson, Chip (R-SS 51) Ex-Officio
Ramsey, Sr., Ronald B. (D-SS 43) Member
Rogers, Chip (R-SS 21) Member
Georgia House Insurance Committee
Tom Knox
Howard Maxwell
Vice Chairman
John Meadows
Administrative Assistant: Marsha Barnes
Committee Aide: Craig Foster
Committee Members:
Steve Davis, Matt Dollar, Carl Epps
Ronald Forster, Rich Golick, Ben Harbin
Keith Heard, Bill Hembree, Doug Holt
Lester Jackson, Mike Jacobs, Jerry Keen
Jimmy Lord, David Lucas, Robert Mumford
Quincy Murphy, Carl Rogers, Ron Sailor
Richard Smith, Stan Watson, Joe Wilkinson
Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine
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