Out all night with some good ol' boys drinking til the break of dawn" ~Charlie Gearheart
Strange Tales of Georgia Politics and Media
Get a Post-it Note for the refrigerator. Buy booze on Saturday. The disproportionate anger of those who want Sunday sales is an example of the “me-centered” universe. We’re angry about any rule or law that won’t let us park four vehicles in the driveway or that doesn’t let us buy booze when we want. Me, me, me.How about conservative restraint? How about less government interference in personal lives? How about the conservative principle of the free market? Methinks the only selfish focus on the me here are so-called conservatives who want to mold all of society in their narrow image.
I hate connecting laws that connect fees and fines to a specific program, when it’s not a genuine user fee, such as those golfers pay to maintain public courses. Adding $200 to the fines imposed for driving more than 85 mph anywhere, or 75 mph on two-lane roads, is an example. It’s created to help fund a statewide trauma network. Henceforth, a shooter in Atlanta or a knifer in Savannah should be fined an extra $500. Or do we tax guns, knives, ladders and automobiles?Can I have a beer with your pretzel logic? So, since in your narrow mind (see above) sees the connection between high speed on the interstates and trauma as tenous, extra revenue generated by this bill should go to what? The general fund where the pork can be spread around? Once again this is fiscal conservative philosophy?
The changing world, Part 1: President Bush quotes two Iraqi bloggers who wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on reasons for optimismAnd ignores bloggers who have for months been writing about the hell on earth known as Bagdhad. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Scientific consensus is what you talk about when you don't have scientific fact. The object of science is to establish fact. That is what the scientific method is all about.
Bush has not [sic] choice now but to fight. He faces two years of politics by subpoena. Feed the sharks now and they’ll be back tomorrow and the day after. Bush’s poll numbers are low — but when it comes to fighting Democrats in Congress, he’s on equal footing. This is a Congress and a party without an agenda — except to trash Bush and the war in Iraq. Ultimately, the country will reject that strategy and the party that pursues it.
The conventional wisdom in the local blogoshere seems to be that the MSM, or at least the local MSM, just doesn't get it when it comes to new media or, if you prefer, web 2.0. While I can't completely disagree, I'm pretty sure this condition is temporary. Big media has never lacked the resources to make major leaps in technology (when needed or mandated), they've only occasionally lacked the will. I think this is about to change.
Did I miss something? Don’t U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President? They do. Democrats and their media allies are determined to find great scandal in the removal of 8 U.S. attorneys by the administration. The administration was dissatisfied with their performance and they were removed.
This bill provides penalties for students who expose their underwear “in a manner that exposes or exhibits one’s covered or uncovered sexual organs in a vulgar and indecent manner” on school grounds.
it’s been from the start a tale of insider politics in Washington, with, one band of power players (the anti-war, anti-Bush/Cheney wing) out to get another.
The bomb squad shut down busy Devonshire Street after someone spotted a green box chained to a no parking sign....The box turned out to be some kind of traffic counting device and was completely harmless.