I'm headed to Manuels for a meet and greet with new Democratic Party Of Georgia Executive Director Matt Weyandt. Interesting the choice of time was at 4:00pm on a workday. Do they think new media folks don't have jobs? But that's really just picking at a slight nit.
Mr. Weyandt faces arguably the most critical year in the history of the DPG and it will be very interesting to hear his views on new media. Tune back in later for a full report.
I thought the same thing about "do they think new media folk don't have jobs?"
I emailed and told them I probably couldn't make it by 4 because of my, you know, job. They said they'd be there 'til at least six or so, so I'm hoping to make it out toward the tail end to possibly interview him for a podcast.
Okay, who to I have to fuck to get on the cool new media email list? Jesus Flying Biscuits.
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