Jesus entered the Temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 'It is written,' he said to them, 'My house will be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of robbers'
You can purchase Erick's wares here.
I'm seriously beginning to worry for his mental health.
Not me. I'm glad to see he's taking this loss so gracefully.
Wow! I thought you were joking.
Just . . . wow. WTF.
I guess we can see what happens when you combine equal parts of frustration, hate, and ingest for 20 months.
I fear for Eriks family, I think he's ready to blow. Erick needs a va-ca somewhere with lots of umbrella drinks.
Now that the Anti-Christ is here, does that mean all the religious folk will be raptured up soon?
..and isn't this what they've been waiting for?
So how much does Erick actually believe in this stuff, and how much is he just trying to profit from the dopes who believe it?
Joe, I honestly believe it's the later. Doesn't mean I won't call him on it.
I like what my friend Charles had to say about this.
Also I am pretty sick of comments like Joe's, no offense to you personally Joe, but I don't care about someone's personal motivations in something like this (belief or desire for profit), the fact is *they're doing it* - that's what matters.
Yes, Amber, that is what matters. Thanks for singling me out.
I think passive-aggressive responses work better when people don't get the aggressive response by email first before it's removed.
I guess so. But I still do feel singled out by Amber's comment.
I deleted the previous response because I knew it was not what I wanted to say. It was the wrong thing to say -- both wrong in the general sense of the term, and wrong in the sense that I didn't mean what I wrote.
In any case, I still felt singled out there. I can't not feel offense by that.
Joe, if it's any consolation, I wondered exactly the same thing.--Melanie
I'm just annoyed by the slipshod graphics of the merch. I didn't even really understand that the "O" was for Obama at first, since it wasn't the classic Gotham typeface.
Joe, I wasn't "singling you out." I've said the same thing in the past to other people who have made comments such as yours - including *gasp!* my own boyfriend. That line of reasoning bothers me and I feel it's worthwhile to point out why it's flawed. Simply, I referred to you here because you are the one who made such a comment on this thread. If someone else had made the comment, I would have referred to them.
Agreed Paula. It's ironic to have the trolls wear merch that basically labels them as the Anti-Christ. Like the kids say, epic fail. --Melanie
Or maybe people will just think Oprah is the anti-christ...
Or Overstock.com.
The whole thing seems lopsided. Too much white space.
And, yes, they've absolutely lost it at Red State.
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