Oh jeez. National Geographic asked Senators to submit a hand drawn map of their home state and Saxby Chambliss (R-My Hometown) pulled out a sharpie and a napkin or something for an easel.
I suppose I should be happy our mutual hometown is so dear to his heart.
It looks like Mississippi's retarded cousin.
Wow. Sen. Franken draws Georgia better, and he's not even from here.
I'm glad he acknowledges the vast nothingness between Atlanta and Moultrie.
bless his heart....
definitely a retard
Wow, I thought you were showing what you thought he might do as a joke. Then I follow the link and sure enough, that was what he really did.
See what happens when you don't make your children do their own homework... but then eventually they have to.
He's been sniffing too much of that bug spray they put on the crops down there.
Saxby's from another state anyway
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