"...because there's a day for every single thing else."
The date has been set! December 29th is National Drunk Blogging Day. A day of much fun and stupidity for bloggers and readers everywhere.
I'm in. So is Amber. Come on people! Atlanta is a party town! Let's show our technicolor yawn!
I was a drunkblogger before drunkblogging was cool.
Is this a communal effort with a common gathering place for such foolery? Or are we to be left to more private devices at home?
It couldn't be Manuel's as they don't have Wi-Fi. It would have to be a place with:
a.) Wi-Fi of course
b.) A good bar
c.) Good security in case we get so loaded we leave out laptops there and have to go get them the next day.
Then again, this begs the question... what if we get so wasted we end-up destroying our laptops? I mean, booze does seem to bring out our, uh, more private selves. Just look at Kramer. And Mel.
I have one of them there Verizon wireless cards, so I can drunkblog from anywhere. Only problem is it's fairly slow. But then, after a few cocktails, so am I.
Grayson and Sara, do it wherever you want. If you can get friends together in a public spot- go for it! All we ask is that you go to the NaDruBloDa blog spot and say you're in, so your blog will have a link and other blogdrunks can read your stuff.
Participants who don't want to drink can be designated readers.
Ha! Designated readers! I love it.
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