What do you call a governor who has over 80% approval rating in his own party and over a 60% approval rating in the opposition party? A freaking rock star.
On his way from a Republican event Monday evening at the Governor's Club, Gov. Charlie Crist made an impromtu walk along Adams Street, stopping to gab, hug and shake hands with folks...Charlie Crist may be the most well liked politician in Florida since Walkin' Lawton Chiles. Crist not only portrays the good guy but appears to actually be a good guy. A walk the walk after talking the talk act that I bet Georgia Republicans wish Sonny did.
Don't forget Bob Graham. People really liked him. My diehard Republican parents voted for him twice.
You do know the rumor about how nice guy Charlie is really gay guy Charlie, right? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Ah yes, my little anonymous friend. That is well known as I've said many times, no one cares. If you follow that cute little tag Charlie Crist I just added, you will see how it's already been discussed!
If there's nothing wrong with it, why bring it up?
Because nice people can't possibly be gay and gay people can't possibly be nice. DUH.
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