Event 9
Buy-in: $500
Entrants: 157
Status: Made the final table
After almost 11 hours of poker, I made the final table. My brain is pretty much jelly at this point so not much of a recap. I will say a critical hand was when we were down to 15, I was all in post-flop with an open ended straight against a high pair. I rivered the Ace to make broadway. Sent the poor guy packing and I was back in the hunt.
So now tomorrow. Final table starts at 4:00. I am second in chips. But there are some tough players left. But it's all gravy at this point. No matter what, the trip has paid for itself. And that's always a good day I suppose.
Now I'm going to drink a beer and stare at the TV for a while.
go man go again this doesn't want to take
Good deal! Now you have a craps budget. ;)
Win this for the rednecks since they need beer money.
1. Dont overthank it
2. you play better on 2 beers - any less you are in a fog any more you become plain stupid. Be sure to drink 2 and 2 only.
3. Be sure to save some of your loot for a truckload of PBR.
I live vicariously through you.
So psyched for you. Don't worry about anything, at this point it's all just gravy. Just relax and have a great time today/tonight. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Just realized you said that same gravy thing. Hm, knew I'd heard that before somewhere.
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