It's been a long time since...
Former 4th district Congresswoman and pure blog gold generator Cynthia McKinney recently stopped by an Iowa City meeting of the Greens. Local blogger John Deeth has an excellent write-up of the weird event.
Why Iowa, now, in the middle of caucus season? "Why not now?" McKinney responds. She starts chatting with the local Greens and I get asked, for reasons that seem unclear, to stop the audio recorder, though I'm the only press here. She recalls her first trip to Iowa, for Paul Simon in the `88 caucuses.
It seems Cyn is still not a fan of the press. Still not holding my breath for that exclusive interview.
Thanks for the link love; no great Green secrets were divulged while my recorder was off.
We want to a politically famous local diner later and ran into Edwards campaign chair David Bonior, ex-Dem House Whip.
That girl on the right in the photo is exactly what I envision when I think "Green Party." Someone get that girl a steak, pronto!
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