Playing single table satellites is a good way to blow off steam. They are super-aggressive, generally friendly and over in under an hour. The complete opposite of playing in a big event which may last 13 hours.
My first single table was completely ridiculous and barely merits a mention. Let's just leave it at I got crippled in the first five minutes and eliminated in the next five minutes.
The second was a hoot. Sat next to what I call a gregarious guy. He's the type of guy who gets on many a person's nerve and that's probably his game. But I've been next to far worse so he didn't bother me at all. I think he recognized this fact and we settled down and had a grand old time. We laughed. We poked fun. And most importantly for a couple of gamblers, we won. When we were down to four, I knocked out two with one hand, then me a my new friend chopped the winnings.
So today I enter Event 8 at half price. I'm not sure what's going to happen as I am still recovering from a late night on Bourbon Street.
Give 'em hell... oh and tell that red head to do the same. Since I can't comment on her blog without an account, just tell her to look at it as $1,300 you were willing to walk away from and enjoy every minute of walking away from that $$$. Otherwise, woulda, coulda, shoulda will kick your ass.
I was there on opening night for Harrah's NO and won big (for me). *sigh* Now, I'll go back to living vicariously thru your guys posts.
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