Forsyth County Democratic Debate - Perhaps it was subtle jab at the man down the table whose every answer emphasized his extensive service to country, government and industry or perhaps it was Senate Democratic candidate Rand Knight's continued emphasis on his self-designation as heir to previous generations of Democrats.
Answering a question regarding a committment to future political contests Knight responded that although he "would be older than Richard Russell and Sam Nunn when they entered office", he still had plenty of years left to dedicate to the party.
Later, Knight emphasized despite his youth, he had 20 years experience in this arena and would be open to a potential run against Johnny Isakson in 2010. He pondered that it might be time to "pass the torch to the next generation".
Then again. Maybe it wasn't so subtle.
Rand likes to play up his youthful appearance but then makes a statement like that that contradicts it.
One things for sure, his speaking abilities surely were those of someone young and overly enthusiastic.
He was rushed and unpolished and really only showed substance on the water issue. Well I'd expect that considering his involvement in the field but everything else he was incredibly vague.
I'd vote for him for guest VJ at TRL.
WTF? How old is that guy?
Rand maybe young and enthusiastic but he speaks from his heart. Ask him a question and he won't give you a run around answer, he'll just cut straight to the chase. It might not be what you want to hear, but at least he's honest. Don't knock him because he's smarter than your average joe... he knows his stuff! Who really cares how old or young he is, the focus should be can he get the job done? I think he can! Not only did he win the Water question... I think he did an exceptional job on answering the abortion issue question, oil and energy, the God issues question. Over all I'd have to say "not bad"! If you really want to rip on someone... let's talk about Maggie... could you read any more to us? I felt like I was in a class room!
Rand won this without a doubt. His message is clear, passionate, and exactly what we need in Georgia. Vernon Jones is a republican thats just running as a Democrat to run against Saxby. All the other candidates at the Forum that night lacked one thing: passion. I was delighted by some of the answers by Josh Lanier and Dale Cardwell but realized that I was almost in a Yawn.
Nice to see that Rand's campaign is posting on this thread, thanks anonymous.
How did Rand win at all? He sounded rushed and out of control. No substance, just suspenders.
JDP, your comments are really beginning to be an embarrassment to other, more serious, capable and educated bloggers that I have read on these sites who like to critique and analyze actual substance. You lack the critical thinking skills necessary to breakdown and dissect someone's performance, so you throw out a word like substance with nothing behind it? You continue to make it clear that you are both unable and unwilling to provide an intelligent critique of the details, issue-by-issue to support your frivolous claims. All you can say, on every blog you can find, is that there was no substance (there was, in fact, so much substance on Knight’s answers that some thought them too intellectual), but like a child crying on the playground you don't say what questions or specifically why feel that way that you do about the performance. The most that you can actually say is about Knight’s suspenders (who cares? Apparently suspenders are the only substance you can criticize --we're electing a critical thinking Senator, regardless of how they dress). Realizing your humiliating weaknesses, you decide to say that Rand’s staffers are posting on blogs – what a joke, Rand’s staffers could likely care less as they know that less than 1% of Primary voters in GA even read the blogs. You remind me of Ann Coulter the way that you continually refer to someone else who you think has no substance but you never back it up with any specifics whatsoever? This kind of rhetoric is like the unsupported liberal-bashing from conservatives, a whole lot of talk but no intelligence or intellectual policy debate. At least Knight actually has a Ph.D. in environmental sciences, a master’s degree in forestry and ecology and several other environmental and business credentials that you will never acquire in a lifetime of weak blog posts. Your credibility is Zero. Stop wasting our time.
old democrat,
thanks for the recognition. I look forward to more in the future.
One Old Democrat,
(1) Rand Knight Jr. is probably actually the one posting on this blog. Why you ask? Because he cannot afford to actually hire staffers since his campaign has raised no money and has actually taken on tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
(2) JDP is correct when he says that Mr. Knight has no substance. He is all enthusiasm and no actual content. While he may know a thing or two about nanotechnology and ecological impact studies, he knows absolutely nothing about Georgia politics. He has "guaranteed a win" in the Senate race. That's a bold statement from a 25 year old, debt riddled, Ben Afflec look-a-like.
(3) Vernon Jones is the only one with a chance at winning this race. He is the only one to have held actual elected office, he has raised more money than all of his primary opponents combined, he has billboards up all over the state, and an airplane that proudly flies his banner at UGA football games. Vernon has actual substance, name ID and political experience. It is no suprise he skipped a debate in a county that voted nearly 90% for George W. Bush and Sonny Perdue.
Not to pile one, but on that substance issue...
Franklin Randolph Jr. has raised $25K as of the last filing (not counting his campaign debt), with most of his money coming from outside Georgia.
He has paid DC firm Christensen & Associates $18.5K for "Political Fundraising Consulting".
So their take is over 70% of what they raise (and that's giving them credit for every dollar his campaign has brought in).
Paying a fundraising outfit 70% of what you raise is not the foundation for a substantive campaign. Any old Democrat would know that.
This is fascinating. Carry on.
Campaign debt has already piled high for Rand.
$55k and counting...
This is bizarre. And hilarious.
Speaking of Substance...
Young Franky Randolph Jr. has none, at all. All that hair spray is is substantive, but that doesn't count.
Dale had it, but it was back in his prime at WSB. Georgia Democrats know that he's an C grade ex-reporter, not a real candidate. On top of that, his substantive staff fled since he couldn't pay them a substantive wage.
Senora Maggie Martinez might have some "substancia", but we can't tell since she cannot speak English. Running for "U.S. Senate Congress" and complaining about the U.S. being the largest emitter of "CEOs". Eso esta triste.
Josh Lanier might have some, if he would ante up and declare already instead of just tiptoeing around with his exploratory committee. Unfortunately, he will never have substance since he devised a novel campaign strategy to refuse individual donations in excess of $100 dollars...as the Guinness commericals say "Brilliant!". He should run for Dick Cheney stunt double, not the U.S. Senate.
Vernon Jones has plenty of substance, I suspect thought that most of it is left on the bed sheets when he leaves his secret house in Greensboro (per all the locals).
Personally I hope Cynthia McKinney declares. She has more substance than all these clowns combined!
Cynthia for Senate!
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