The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason. ~Hunter S. Thompson
I'm sure if the good Doctor were still around he would include the hideous world of the raving blogosphere.
The RedStaters are in town for a local circle jerk and Erick decided it was wise to show his ass before drinks were even served.
Time to leave the craziness behind. Head south. Regroup.
Have fun and do some fishing. You need a weekend away.
Here's my thing, why even validate Erick and the sham that is Peach Pundit by posting there or even linking to it?
I gave up on its ethics a long time ago when they let Andre back in the fold, but now they're nothing but a bunch of angry, marginalized race baiters who are so absolutely terrified that the world is changing their only response to revert to being spoiled third-graders.
It ain't that I disagree with you at all. Erick's an ass who, quite frankly, deserves an old-fashioned ass-whipping, but, then again, so what ...
I'm a big believer in exposing scum to daylight.
Thanks. I only rarely wander to Peach Pundit anymore. Appreciate the heads-up on the latest from over there.
Drop me a line if you decide to come over Albany way. With what my wife has planned tomorrow, I'll need a break!
In re the circle jerk: Mental picture. Do. Not. Want.
Just to make the picture complete, imagine lots of pictures of Michelle Malkin.
I'm outta here!
I recognize that house.
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