Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ripples Make Waves

The breakers are coming in with increasing frequency.

Sen. Emmanuel Jones (D-Decatur) has sent a letter to Attorney General Thurbert Baker requesting an investigation in the release of the Genarlow Wilson sex tape.
State Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) said it is "an absolute, utter disgrace" that a videotape of the raunchy party in a Douglasville hotel room that led to the conviction of Genarlow Wilson on aggravated child molestation charges has been shown to both reporters and legislators. He characterized the videotape as child pornography.

Strangely, Sen Eric Johnson, an early, ardent supporter of viewing the tape as the "truth", has grown silent on the whole matter.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Things That Are Dumb #476:

A 35 year old having sex with a 16 year old is legal.

But if it's on tape, it's child pornography.

..this is not really related, but made me think of it.