I just watched Glenn Richardson's acceptance speech as Speaker of the Georgia House. I admit I snickered a bit when he laid out his "four prong test" for new bills. One "prong" is does the bill "strengthen Georgia families".
Given recent rumors surrounding Richardson, prong is probably not a choice of words I would have made.
It all started when Bill Shipp sniffed up a story filled with all sorts of human horribleness including pills and adultery. The blogmentum gathered as Peach Pundit discussed the suspicious timing of the story. Now Peach Pulpit may have sussed out the feminine half of the alledged tryst.
All which leads to a certain smart-ass resurrecting the memories of the 1986 New York Mets.
Everyone is puzzled by the local fishwrapper's silence on the matter leading the boys at Political Insider to 'splain why papers don't rush to judgment (for the most part).
Well, the fact remains the story's validity is still in question, but it's out there now. And as we all know, once bloggers get ahold of a bone, they gnaw it to the marrow. Where this will ultimately lead is unknown, however one local blogger in a forthcoming podcast believes it all leads to an inglorious tumble from power for Richardson. And that children is what is known in the bidness as a tease. Stay tuned!
Ick. He looks about as bright as Toby Keith. Who'd want that, uh, "prong?" Yawn...
Grift: Thanks for the mention in your earlier post. Page two.
As I noted on a post today, in 2005 Richardson called his "four prong test" his four "core values." Hang on; it's going to be an interesting ride.
I'm thinking of starting a resignation pool!
Maybe Glenn is simply defending the sanctity of marriage by sneaking behind enemy lines and infiltrating the adulterous heathen from within.
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