Today John Cornetta, owner of the Love Shack, faces a hearing for contempt in U.S. District court. In question is whether the adult store owner complied with a judge's order to reduce the amount of adult material in the store by a "significant amount". Mr. Cornetta and his attorneys claim compliance as the store is already below the county mandates and has been reduced even further. Fulton County D.A. Steve Rosenberg disagrees. Today at 1:30, the showdown returns to Judge Thrash's court room.
If found in contempt, Mr. Cornetta faces possible closure, daily fines or even incarceration.
If allowed, Drifting Through The Grift will be present to witness the outcome.
Look for an update this afternoon.
Big ol' eye roll from me. I wish people could focus on actual important issues.
You know, none of this would be an issue if there weren't that stupid 25% rule in the first place. If people we're so goddamn terrified of TEH S3X!!1! then none of this would even be happening.
Er, that should say "weren't so goddamn terrified." I can barely spell even when I'm sober.
Word verification: iodmsm. Ha! Idiot mainstream media?
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