An abbreviated version today as there is business to attend to this evening.
Strange Tales of Georgia Politics and Media
A man who was found sleeping at the end of a movie in the Moultrie Stadium Cinemas asked to see the parts of the movie he missed. ~The Moultrie Observer
A young girl charged them with rape. The police arrested them. A district attorney chose to prosecute them. A grand jury decided to indict them. And a jury convicted them.
"As the court has no authority to grant an appeal bond in this case, there is no need for an evidentiary hearing on the defendant's eligibility for a bond," Emerson wrote in his three-page order. "The motion for bond is dismissed. "The hearing scheduled for July 5, 2007, is therefore cancelled."
It isn’t amnesty. What it is is a pathway to legalization. We have an immigration system that is broken, that’s a nightmare. It’s a nightmare for American citizens. We saw the specialist missing in Iraq, Jimenez, from Massachusetts. His wife is being deported. That’s how broken our system is, that those that are on the front line, defending us in the war against terrorism and in Iraq are having their wives deported from the United States of America...Look, it’s a broken system, but I think what we say is, “What are you going to do with the 12 million people?” If you listen to Pat this morning, we have had the most aggressive enforcement in the last 30 years in our interior enforcement, 160,000 people deported this past year. At that rate, it would take us 65 years to rid this nation of all the undocumented workers. It’s not realistic, it’s not humane. It isn’t practical to our national security, or does it secure our economy. The fact is we create, in the United States, this vibrant economy, 400,000 low skill jobs a year, but there’re only 5,000 visas. We eed new workers to keep our economy vibrant and strong.
A Moultrie man was apprehended Monday afternoon after he was allegedly seen knocking items off shelves at Wal-Mart then was uncooperative with officers...Johnny Lee Collins Jr., 33, of 180 Trailer Park Road, was charged Monday with obstruction and disorderly conduct.
"We should be able to put a Democrat in that seat for the first time in four years."
"I will respond to direct questions with direct answers".
"Frankly, I’m glad we don’t have to apologize for this guy anymore. Mike Jacobs has consistently voted with Republicans to slash children’s health care and protect the predatory lenders that have bankrupted countless Georgia families. He’s never fought for Georgia’s families and we’re glad to see him go."
A Moultrie police officer on patrol at 9:08 Saturday saw a man, later identified as Xxxxxxxxxx, allegedly driving a Snapper lawn mower on North Main Street. The officer spotted a possible alcoholic beverage in the driver’s hand, so he pulled the tractor over, police reports said.
A bar on the rise is temporarily out of business after a fire damaged the building Monday, possibly because an opossum chewed on electrical wires, the bar's owner said.
That's the way we do things in the ol' MSM (again for the uninitiated, that's mainstream media, bane of the blogosphere). We use our real names, too. It's called accountability.
The prosecutor in a criminal case shall:
(g) except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor's action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused
griftdrift // Mar 4, 2007 at 9:28 am
I’m not sure Senator Johnson. As far as I know the CNN reporter viewed it in the prosecutors office. On b I was unclear. I meant how did you obtain a copy.
Senator Eric Johnson// Mar 4,
2007 at 10:12 amIt was hand delivered to me by the DA.
What the story does not say is that both girls were drugged and the 17 old was unconscious. I can not believe that all of you are being fooled into believing this is an innocent little prom date that went a little to far.
The next session of the General Assembly may well see the eye of the storm called “water wars.” At least that was an indication at a legislative breakfast in Moultrie Wednesday.
Some say she can't write.