Georgia Amendment II:
Fishing and hunting. The tradition of fishing and hunting and the taking of fish and wildlife shall be preserved for the people and shall be managed by law and regulation for the public good.
Originally, I was going to hold my nose and vote for this pig. After speaking to friends and fellow bloggers, no more.
The final blow was the AJC's Mike King's brief analysis of the proposed law. As he correctly points out there is a potentially nasty poison pill in the wording. The amendment might very well trump any local hunting ordinance. It's carte blanche for any nutjob to sue any well-intentioned city council for enacting reasonable hunting ordinances in populated areas. The fact that this type of case might be a winner is worrying enough. The reality that our appellate system could be tied up with about a bajillion of these nuisance complaints is truly frightening.
This is bad law. I strongly urge my fellow hunters to reject this type of crass politicization of something we love. It does us no good and ultimately could do us great harm.
griftdrift, Mike King and the AJC are off-base as usual. Thought you would want to know that there are no local hunting ordinances in Georgia because state law prohibits that. Only the state can regulate hunting. Local governments can do things like regulate the discharge of firearms for public safety reasons and amendment 2 will not affect that. Amendment 2 will still allow the state to regulate hunting but not unduly restrict it.
I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% sure about that when I wrote this. If that is the case then I stand corrected. I still think this is an unnecessary law and that is nearly the worse kind. I won't vote for it.
One question anon. What about designated bird sancturaries? Do those still exist or just a relic in my brain from my youth? I need to do more research on this.
I am not sure about bird sanctuaries. I have never actually seen or heard of any here in Ga. (I was also born in S. Ga and live in Atl now)
Fair enough on #2. I understand how some people also think that it is a way to get certain voters to the polls. Maybe it is. I dont know. I do have friends who hunt in Michigan where dove hunting is about to get banned again. Would hate to see that happen here one day so if it protects hunting, I am ok with it.
Sorry to be an anon. Just not a regular blogger. Names Blake.
Well I appreciate your comments, Blake since they spurred others to write me and inform me of what the law really says. Look for a new post on the subject in just a minute.
Hey Dude. Where's the orange????
I was by myself. I was up in a tree stand. There were no other hunters for miles.
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