Rovers over Arsenal 1-0!
On to the 6th round of the FA Cup and Man City!
Now that's the way to have a good day!
Strange Tales of Georgia Politics and Media
Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES)...blah blah bah...etc etc etc...
Sen. Don Balfour (R-Snellville), the sponsor of Senate Bill 155, said he believes the vaccination requirement is good public policy. The bill, which is scheduled for review today by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, contains an exemption for parents who oppose the vaccine on religious grounds or cannot afford it.
"I see obstacles to understanding and I want to find ways to overcome those obstacles." ~Al Gore
A BILL to be entitled an Act to create the City of Johns Creek Parks and Recreation Authority; to authorize such authority to acquire, construct, equip, maintain, and operate or contract for services to provide athletic and recreational centers, facilities, and areas, including, but not limited to, playgrounds, parks, hiking, camping, and picnicking areas and facilities, swimming and wading pools, lakes, tennis courts, athletic fields and courts, clubhouses, gymnasiums, auditoriums, youth centers, senior citizen centers, stadiums, performing arts centers, cultural centers, related buildings, golf courses, and the usual and convenient facilities appertaining to such undertakings and extensions and improvements of such facilities; to acquire parking facilities and parking areas in connection therewith; to provide that bonds be validated as authorized by Article 3 of Chapter 82 of Title 36 of the O.C.G.A., the “Revenue Bond Law”; to provide for construction; to provide for personnel; to provide for conveyance of property upon dissolution; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Boortz: So you're saying Genarlow Wilson is in jail because of the passed out 17 year old.Sen. Johnson? What will it take to make you stop lying?
Johnson: Yes, yes, if Genarlow Wilson had simply had the oral sex with the 15 year old, we would probably not be dealing with this.
Online, we will show that we know Atlanta best, providing superlative news and information and becoming the preferred medium for connecting local communities.”
They are both trying to position themselves as sort of straight talkin', I'm not just going to sit here sticking my finger in the wind kind of politicians.
A majority of Sandy Springs residents remained without water Saturday as Atlanta Department of Watershed Management crews tried to repair a water main break that occurred in Roswell Thursday afternoon.
Townships, a government form common elsewhere, is being proposed for Georgia by state Sen. David Adelman (D-Decatur). His zoning-only concept of local control may be too limited, but the key is to give people the ability to control their communities.
All of this drive to incorporate and to break away got started because Fulton commissioners treated north Fulton like dirt, taking their money while completely disregarding their concerns about density and development. We can love and identify with the brand Atlanta, but need to relate to a government with which we can connect.
Yes! State Rep. Earl Ehrhart (R-Powder Springs), chairman of the House Rules Committee, offers legislation to allow individuals and corporations to get a significant tax credit for contributions that allow low-income or disabled children to attend private schools. Love this new Big Idea Legislature. They’re talking about things that matter — in addition, of course, to the usual things that don’t.
The second most powerful member of the Texas House has circulated a Georgia lawmaker's call for a broad assault on teaching of evolution...House Appropriations Committee Chairman Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, used House operations Tuesday to deliver a memo from Georgia state Rep. Ben Bridges...Mr. Bridges' memo claims that teaching evolution amounts to indoctrinating students in an ancient Jewish sect's beliefs.
But a key point is that there is no scientific debate -- there is not a single peer reviewed scientific journal article that disputes the reality of man-made climate change at this point...CO2 records go back 600,000 years, and there is now no alternative explanation-- in short, the "debate" is over. The only question is just how long it takes for most people to understand, and act on this.
On April 25, 2005, during a meeting about parent complaints with her principal, Rick Conner, she recalled: "He took a Bible off the bookshelf behind him and said, 'Patty I believe in everything in this book, do you?' I told him, 'I really feel uncomfortable about your asking that question.' He wouldn't let it go.' " The next day, she said, in the lunchroom, "he reached across the table, took my hand and said: 'I accept evolution in most things but if they ever sayGod wasn't involved I couldn't accept that. I want you to say that, Pat.' "
"This isn't even about the animals," Richards said. "This is about communistic government overrunning human rights. It's political.
I’m rebuilding a national Democratic Party to my liking. So far, its leaders are U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and … well, I guess it’s just Joe.
It's really hard to ask politicians to think about the election next year and think about what the coast is going to look like in 100 or 200 years.
This week’s AJC look at how drivers cope with long commutes identifies the problem of creating a useful mass transit system: Briarcliff Road to Sandy Springs, Alpharetta to Duluth, Barrow County to Alpharetta, Locust Grove to Morrow, Cobb County to Atlanta, Cherokee County to Perimeter Mall, East Cobb to the airport. You get the picture. A handful here, a handful there. Now design an affordable transit system. We missed that bus about 60 years ago.
Hmmm. “Macaca,” when used by a U.S. senator with presidential ambitions, is a crime warranting public execution. When a U.S. senator with presidential ambitions declares Barack Obama to be the first African-American candidate who is “articulate and bright, and clean, and is a nice-looking guy …,” the excuse-makers pour forth. Imagine the reaction if a Republican, say former U.S. Sen. George Allen of Virginia, had used the same language as Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.).
I'm a Texas woman, which means I don't need the help of a man to keep things running.