Friday, September 16, 2011

Flavors Of Condescension

Advocacy for a particular political persuasion requires a belief one holds the correct point of view. However, there is a point where belief converts to condescension, arrogance, haughtiness or whatever word you can find in your thesaurus that equates to being a jackass.

In my travels, I have found the two dominant parties prefer different flavors of condescension.

Republican Flavor:
I'm right. You're wrong. Go pound sand.
At this time, there's just too many examples to list.

Democrat Flavor:
If only you were knowledgeable / understanding / worldly, you would change your mind
Latest example. Troy Davis.


Mike Hassinger said...

"Advocacy for a particular political persuasion requires a belief one holds the correct point of view."

I reject that statement.

Go pound sand. :)

griftdrift said...

I suppose I should have mentioned the mean "consultant" exception.

Mike Hassinger said...

Ouch. Although a professional advocate can = attorney as well as consultant. Not exactly a ringing defense of my profession, but there it is.