Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Cease And Desist A Day

Does not keep the crazy away.

Yesterday, it was lawsuits for the McKinney camp.

Today it's ceast and desist letters.

Posted in the comments of a blog.

I kid you not.

Check the first comment on the Insider blog thread reported earlier.

Yep, that is indeed the lawyer for Cynthia McKinney informing AJC bloggers Tom Baxter and Jim Galloway that they must stop posting how McKinney might have fibbed about her Congress.org report card.

Mr. Raffauf, I an only say one thing. We here at Drifting Through The Grift welcome your comments any time. Briefs, writs, torts, ramblings, money from Vegas. Whatever you want to contribute, my door is always open.

h/t: The griftdrift bail fund (Lazermike and Sarawaraclara)

1 comment:

griftdrift said...



[Arlo Guthrie]Weeeeeeelllllllll[/Arlo Guthrie]

Normally I would delete spam, but I think on this special occasion, I just might let it stand.

Hell, I might even go see the movie.